Sample Reports

We strive to provide data that is functional for our customers' intended purpose and use. There are a variety of report types we offer as deliverables depending on the inspection service and equipment being used to meet the data needs each application requires.

Standard AIS Report

A standard report of all inspection results and work completed accompanies each inspection job. Many jobs we perform require the use of multiple equipment types, and our standard report allows us to include each piece of measurement equipment and the results yielded from them. We do provide specific software reports upon request (PC-DMIS, ZONE3, SmartProfile, etc).

Certificate of Inspection

In addition to our report, each customer receives an AIS Certificate of Inspection that includes each measurement tool used to perform the inspection and its certification to ISO/IEC 17025. This document certifies that all inspections were performed per industry standards by trained, qualified inspectors using equipment that is traceable to SI Units through NIST. We also provide a statement of uncertainty that lists each piece of equipment used, its calibration date, and uncertainty value.

Reverse Engineering Deliverables

Feature-Based (Parametric or Prismatic Model)

Parametric modeling offers a structured and systematic approach to creating and modifying 3D models within your native CAD platform, making it easier to manage design changes and maintain the integrity of the original design intent.

Feature-based models are generated using Geomagic Design X parametric reverse engineering software. The result is an idealized (nominal) 3D CAD model that is generated using sketches, extrudes, filets, lofts, etc. that are derived from the scan data. 

Feature-based models can be delivered in both neutral file format (e.g. .step, .stl, .iges) and native CAD formats (e.g. .sldprt, .prt). The native CAD formats delivered contain a fully editable feature tree.

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines)

NURBS are the typical output generated by 3D scanning and reverse engineering complex organic shapes and are created by auto-surfacing scan data.

Auto-surfaced models are generated by "shrink-wrapping" 3D scan data with CAD surfaces. The result is a 3D model that contains many freeform surface patches. Auto-surfaced models are most commonly used when there is a need to bring an organic shaped object into CAD or CNC software, or to generate for a file as close to the original scanned part as possible. NURBS can be a solid or surface model and can be delivered in any neutral file type (.step, .stl, .iges).


Hybrid models are generated using a combination of feature-based and auto-surface (NURBS) modeling. The result is a 3D model where organic features are freeform surface patches and prismatic features are cylinders, planes, etc. 

Hybrid models are commonly used when an object contains both organic and mechanical features, such as an action figure toy or a machined casting. They are also useful when an engineer needs to see the entire envelope of a scanned part in their CAD software, but only requires prismatic features where the part mates to adjacent parts, or where measurements will be taken.

Raw File Formats

All 3D scanning technologies generate raw point cloud data which serves as the foundation for various modeling processes. It is used to reconstruct a 3D object, perform colormap to CAD comparisons, and used for general digital metrology inspections. We can provide the raw scan data as a point cloud or in several different file types including .asc, .txt, .vtx, or .xyz.

Available File Types

.IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification

.IGES files are a less commonly used, older, vendor neutral file type that are used to represent 3D and 2D objects in CAD. These files are saved in the ASCII text format and are typically small and easy to share.

Unlike .STEP files, .IGES files can include independent 2D features such as planes, lines, points, etc., but are more prone to mathematical miscalculations. They are used to share surface translations of a file, as opposed to a solid model. 

.STL - Stereolithography or Standard Triangle Language

STL’s are a mesh-based, typical output of scanning systems that are often used as the base for feature-based and NURBS modeling in reverse engineering. They are also widely used for digital metrology applications. 

STL files are created by forming a 3D triangulated mesh surface using scanned point cloud data as the vertices, or by dividing mathematically perfect CAD models into triangulated surfaces (resolution dependent on settings). This file type is widely used in additive manufacturing and 3D printing.

While .STL files are well suited for complex parts, CAD modeling software is limited to using .STL files under a certain file size as the increasing number of facets (triangles) will overwhelm the system. This file type also has limited capabilities for color and texture details. 

.STEP/.STP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Data

.STEP files are a widely used, vendor neutral file type that are used to represent 3D objects in CAD. It’s a standardized format designed to easily create, share, and edit 3D models across various software programs.  

.STEP files can present in CAD software as nominally perfect models (as designed in a CAD software), or as a NURBS patched model (typically from scan data reconstructions). They are saved as a singular object and do not include a feature tree. This file type maintains a high level of accuracy and is capable of saving the complete body of a 3D model as opposed to a just basic part geometry. They are often also referred to as: 

  • ISO 10303
  • STP File
  • P21-File
  • STEP Physical File


.X_T files are a native format for parasolid-based CAD systems and are widely used for exchanging 3D geometry and solid models between different CAD and CAE software programs. This file type is often larger in size, but retains information about the original design intent, features, history, and relationships.


.ASC files are plain text files that can store point cloud data from 3D scanning, reconstruction, and LiDAR in a readable format. While useful for storing 3D scanning data, this format is not specific to 3D CAD modeling and is more commonly used when human readability and data interpretation is important.

AIS provides a variety of report and file formats to meet your unique data needs. Explore these sample reports to help determine the best data file type for your application and use:

Sample Reports

  • Standard AIS Inspection Cert
  • CMM Sample Report - CAD
  • CMM Sample Report - Text
  • Vision System Sample Report
  • Surface Finish Sample Report
  • SmartProfile Viewer

Reverse Engineering File Types

  • NURBS .iges
  • NURBS Parasolid .x_t
  • NURBS Step .stp
  • Point Cloud .asc
  • Mesh .stl
  • Parametric .step
  • Parametric .sldprt